HL Taylor Scholarship
Applications are now being accepted!
Completed applications are due no later than February 1st.
Iowa PTA’s H.L. Taylor Scholarship Program was created in honor of Harold L. Taylor, a longtime employee of the Iowa PTA. Mr. Taylor was employed as a part-time mail clerk and yet he worked daily at the Iowa PTA State Office. Mr. Taylor volunteered many hours above and beyond his employment working for the Iowa PTA. He is remembered fondly as the “driver of the car,” travelling across the state with his wife and other PTA personnel and volunteers. He provided transportation to and attended District Conferences, State Conventions, and many local PTA meetings. Mr. Taylor’s wife, Neva, was a member of the Iowa PTA Board of Managers for 20 years and then served as the organization’s Executive Director for 25 years. Harold and Neva Taylor believed in the PTA Program and devoted their life to its mission. Harold Taylor passed away in 1969 and in 1974 the Iowa PTA established this scholarship in his memory. The H.L. Taylor Scholarship Program continues to award scholarship grants to deserving Iowa students.
Applications will be accepted online or via email. Please send completed applications and all pertinent information to info@iowapta.org.
Online submissions require all materials be included as attachments. A completed scholarship application includes:
Personal Letter
Three Letters of Reference
High School Transcript
College Transcript (if applicable)
Example of Achievement