Iowa PTA Photos
Janel McGovern, IPTA President & Susie Weinacht, Cedar Rapids IA Mayor Pro Tem at The Gazette Everyday Heroes Awards

Janel McGovern, IPTA President & Liz Mink, IPTA Reflections Chair attend Iowa Talented and Gifted Association’s 2019 Parent Day #whatsyourgift

Iowa PTA officers elected at September 2019 General Membership meeting.

Iowa PTA members at 2019 National PTA Convention in Columbus, OH.

Miyuki Nelson, IPTA VP Legislation (FLC) & Gretchen Paricka, IPTA Executive Director with Iowa Congressman Dave Loebsack at 2019 NPTA Legislative Conference in Washington, D.C.

IPTA President Janel McGovern and NPTA President Leslie Boggs